POLICE in Choma have instituted investigations into an incest case involving a 13-year-old girl of Chief Singani’s area, who was been impregnated by her 17-year-old uncle. The named girl was rescued on Wednesday last week from a two-day marriage to her uncle by Choma District Commissioner (DC) Bernadette Hamweemba and District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Mutinta Mubanga after a tip-off from Chief Singani.
The juvenile was now in the custody of the DEBS’ office where she joined eight other girls also rescued from early marriages in Choma and would be taken back to school.
Meanwhile choma district commisioner Bernadette Hamweemba said she is touched with such situation in the district as they are a major hindrance to girl child education ,she stressed that the ministry of eduation has set up a resident within where girls rescued from early marrieges shall be kept till they complete their education.
Southern Province police chief, Charity Katanga, said yesterday that although, she had not yet received the report, investigations had been instituted on the matter.